Monday, July 9, 2012

The Wanted Deer

The Wanted Deer

Hey guy's it's good to finnaly be back on deerspace. It's been a long time since I've been on here. So some people already know this but not every one. So I'm going to tell all of you what I did on a hunt with my dad. We where at on my grandparents land and my uncle's land when we where hunting. So my dad and I where in my in my uncle's stand and my brother and a family friend where in my dad's stand not to far from where we where. And we where there all day and I was just praying that I could shot a deer. So a few hours later I was sitting down and waitint, and waiting. Finnaly my dad says slowly get the gun! So I do and by this time my hart is just punping really fast. My dad already has the camra so we get in our spots and when the little 4 pointer stops, my dad says ready I say yes but not really cuz I am just shacking real bad. So I start to calm down to get ready to shot. So then I shot it and it drops on it's back and starts kicking and just stops moving and breathing. So then my dad and I are selabrating and everything like that. By this time I have the gun out of my hands. Not even 5 minutes later my dad looks out the window and the deer gets up and starts running. Then he says hury up get the gun and follow me! We search for him every where and we find blood trales and thats all. We search all night and can't find him. So we go back to my grandparent's house. Then we start where we left off in the morning. Nothing but blood again. So we go to the stand and see if he comes back. He doesn't  ! So we had to go home and I'm just mad the hole time. So a few weeks later my dad gets a call from some one who helped us track him. And he says that I just shot him alittle bit high. So can't wait till next year cuz the wond has healed and I hope I can kill him next time! 

Sent in by Brianna "Sissy Anna"

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Don’t Settle For Ordinary

Encouragement can come in many forms. Sometimes it is the courageous, honest words of a friend or loved one that help us make a course correction away from self-defeating and limiting behavior. Such words were spoken to me one cold and windy morning. Perhaps a little background might help.
As a young person I was very ambitious. Impatience, fueled by an intense desire to succeed, led me to forego college and start my first business straight out of high school. I was not suspicious or afraid of “get rich quick” schemes; on the contrary, I wanted to get rich, and the quicker, the better.
By my mid-twenties my drive had propelled me to a level of success that included fancy cars, a beautiful home, international travel, and as my playground. All this was clear evidence that I had joined the ranks of those who had “made it.”
At the age of twenty-eight my business failed. Having merged my whole identity with the business, when it disintegrated, so did I. Besides having nothing, I felt I was nothing. The downhill slide was slow, steady and painful. Convinced that I had blown the most wonderful opportunity life would ever present, I saw no promise in the future whatsoever.
I took refuge in late nights out with friends, which severely threatened my marriage. Ironically, it was my wife who rescued me.
One morning I came to the breakfast table nursing a king-sized hangover-not exactly a time when one is looking for advice! However, my receptiveness was of no concern to my wife, who was determined to confront me with the truth.
 My reaction for two years had been to be a victim and to remain a victim. My behavior of blaming, excuse making and finger pointing was getting me nowhere. The guidepost to a positive future flashed like a neon sign: personal responsibility. It was a road that I knew would not be easy, but upon which I was ready to embark without the slightest hesitation.
Since that morning, I have built a successful new business, and produced videos, graduated from broadcasting school at the top of my class. There has been no greater learning for me than within the events and circumstances of our lives is the wisdom upon which to build our futures.
My life has taught me that mistakes don’t matter, failure doesn't matter. What matters is that we continue to move forward and grow from our experiences. Hal Prince, the famous Broadway producer, said: “Anyone who hasn’t had a failure is an amateur.”