Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hunting Season Preparations

While many of us have different rituals and preparations for the coming hunting season I've found these following steps to be very helpful. Although not a self proclaimed know
it all in hunting world. I have done these things for years and it has brought me success. I trust in old school ways and have put my own twist on them. Grand father told me " if you find something that works stick with it... if it ain't broke don't fix it" here are some simple things that I have found to be true and worked for me.

If you shot archery
1) Practice Practice Practice. Find different ways and positions to shoot from. I stand, sit, kneel, crouch and if you have enough room or in an adequate space shoot from your blind. Come up with different scenarios in your mind that happened the season before that could improve your accuracy the up coming season.

2)Heart rate and Breathing control..... Try running if your able to about 20-40 yrds (or at least till the heart is pumping)  then back to the bow stand grab your bow draw then fire. What this does is when your adrenaline is pumping from that giant buck walking into the kill zone you will be able to control your breathing and the obvious shaking from the nerves being stimulated. Do this as much as possible. Remember practice makes perfect.

3) Let's talk cover scent  ........... I try my best to air my clothes out at least once a month. Because although you might have the high dollar scent bag or totes some way some how the smell through out the summer from heat and the humidity gets in there. So what I do is air them out pop them back in the #VacSeal bags with a fresh dirt scent dryer sheet. Then by the time hunting season comes along your clothes and gear are ready to get out there with you on opening day.

4How about your Health... During the off season one thing I try to do is walk/hike as much as possible. Closer to season i try to put the exact weight of what i usally carry in my back pack. Then as we get closer to season like around end of August I hike with my climber not a long way just enough to exercise and stay comfortable with the weight I carry into the woods. Which brings me to my next point....

5) What goes into your back pack. In my back pack I usally carry a little Bible( there is no other place better to read your word than 20' up a tree.... 20' closer to God) I also make sure i have a first aid kit. Now most people might say this is over kill but I like to bring along a few tools that I might need for a quick bow repair. However i would rather have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. I alos like to have a little bit of candy( halls, jolly ranchers etc). one of the most important things you can have is a Pee bottle. if you drank coffe that morning or water eventually it's gotta come out. Speaking of water I always ALWAYS have two bottles of water. 1 bottle for drinling and the other bottle for rinsing hands, knives and even after you fielddress your harvest. Which brings me to the next item GEAR. In my pack I bring not 1 but 3 knives including the one I use to fielddress my harvest, The other two are just incase knives(protection, cut rope or what ever) again rather have it and not need it than to have it and not need it. I also pack a lighter, compass, whistle and a reflective item( mirror or polished aluminum) anything for survival. I always make sure my cell phone has a full charge on it. I also carry my side arm( Ruger 9mm). Last but not least I make sure my hunting license and tags are up to date and in a water proof package.

Now this is just my opinion of what to do to prepare for the hunting season. My list continues but I picked out some key elements that would be a great starter for you. One thing that is very important is to create yourself a check list and keep refining that list. If these ideas here seems like something that could help you in your preparation for a succesful hunting season  GREAT. However if not please remember one thing " I would rather have it and not need it than to need it and not have it"

Good luck and God Bless. If you have any questions feel free to comment. Also check out our Youtube channel March's Outdoor Adventures and also our website Click here

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