Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Success vs Happiness PT.2 My Son's Buck

I covered an area in the first portion of this particular blog but now let's look at a different area. Earlier this year I took my son out for a hunt trip during the Ohio Youth Gun season. Some have seen the video and some might not have. I will leave a link for you at the end of this blog to be able to view it (don't forget to click like and subscribe).

It was a nice brisk morning the wind was right and the deer was moving. I got my son up about 5am and he was ready to go. We stopped for breakfast at our favorite breakfast stop (waffle house). We got to our hunting spot (public land); got our hunting clothes on and began our trek through the woods to a place I had previously scouted. No one else was around in this area of about 400+ acres. So we felt comfortable in this area and our hopes of harvesting a deer went up from 100% to 110%. This would be my 9 yr old son's first deer. So we get set up with our scent sticks that we were given to try out. So after about 45 min. we began to hear movement then we seen movement in the distance. After another 45min. to an hour we hear more footsteps getting closer and out of the corner of my eye on my right I see a monster buck the biggest I have ever seen in my hunting career (I was shaking). We sat still and the buck got to within 20-30ft. of my son and I. The bad thing about it was our backs was to him and he came up so quick that if we were to move even slightly to turn to get a better look he would have spooked and run off for good. So we sat still for what seemed liked 20 min. at the time but was actually just a few seconds. Well he knew something wasn't right so he turned tail and walked off. About 15 min. went by and he circles back around with in 40 yrds behind some brush (no clear shot) so we waited for him to step out from behind the brush. He winded and heard some dogs barking off in the distance but getting closer. That spooked him off and he disappeared not to see him again that day.As he ran off I looked over my son's shoulder (sitting opposite of me but facing my direction) and saw 4 does coming in like they were on a string. Then they got a smell of the dogs and they took off back the way they came. The dogs we come to find out were being used for rabbit hunting and they had bells around there neck so all the deer in that area were gone. As we began to pack up and head out because our spot was blown out by the dogs we passed the guys that were rabbit hunting. One guy asked if we had seen anything and I said" yeah till your dogs came in and spooked the deer off" and wouldn't you know it not one apology at all. The only thing he had to say was " is today opening day for youth gun season?" I said "YEAH!!" he then with a smug look said "oh ok better luck next time". I figured the best thing for us to do was keep walking before I went postal (lol).

  I consider this a successful hunt because I was out with my son and he had a couple opportunities despite the guys that failed to read there yearly published rule book with new info every year. We still had a blast so we had Success which made us Happy. Remember the difference in Success and Happiness is the circumstances and how you see it and not always registered in monetary value. Thanks for reading.
To view the video click.....here


  1. Nice David- Some people just dont know any better. You set a good example for your son though. You are giving him memories that he will remember for the rest of his life.

  2. Thanks I try to be the best I can be. I love being a dad it teaches and shows me something different about myself everyday.

  3. Maybe next time you can move way out from parking areas, that way any other hunting parties will push game towards your position. I have used human decoys to protect my hunting position from crazies who shoot “flat”. I hang orange vests and hats in trees around my position. I have also walked right through or past someone else’s hunting position because they were set up on the main trail or only possible route, like a beaver dam crossing. One thing I hate is being surprised by hunters who park illegally. Making a cup of hot chocolate on an alcohol flame usually fixes things too.

  4. Will keep that in mind. Thanks for reading

  5. Great story and an even better message. Thanks David
